Still setting up my PVR

My quest for a PC-based PVR continues. I basically have all of the components and the much needed IR Blaster (actually the MyBlaster RF USB) but I’ve had to reconfigure my system and start from scratch since I had too much going on on that system. It’s hard to troubleshoot when I’m running so much stuff on that system.

So far, my preliminary tests have been going pretty well. I did a few overnight trial runs on the setup and it worked. The IR blaster was able to change the channels on my external cable box and all of the programs were recorded without any problems. The only issue I ran into was the blaster would lose control of the box after long periods of time. The only resolution was to restart the system. I’m not exactly thrilled at this as the system is supposed to be on all the time and be trouble free.

And so the tests continue…I think I’m damn close so I’m pretty excited so far. We’ll see how things go.








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