Running battery tests…

I’m in the labs running some battery tests on the Sony TR. Battery tests are really hard to do because it’s hard to truly simulate usage and what settings people like to use. Anyways, I’m trying my best to do so and will have some pretty interesting results to provide once I’m done. The sad thing about doing battery tests is that they take so damn long because the batteries last so long and take a while to charge.

At any rate, my initial thoughts are that the latest generations of Pentium M based subnotebooks designed for long battery life actually do provide long battery life. Basically, the last generation of these kinds of notebooks allowed one to watch a DVD (at reduced brightness settings) and with just a little time left to do other stuff. Nowadays, the bar has been raised. Now you can watch at full brightness and still have an hour or more to do other stuff. In some cases, you still have as much as 3 hours left!

Anyways, stay tuned for more info!








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