New Site!

It’s finally here! After nearly two years of procrastination and redesigning a new and improved will be unveiled! Expect some changes in the next day or so as I move the new code to the server. The older links will still work but they’ll be re-directed to the new url addresses which make a lot more sense.

The initial version of the site still has a few things missing but most of the functionality is complete. Still, expect minor tweaking along the way. I decided to not deviate too far from the original design since it felt clean and usable. There are a lot of cosmetic changes along with a brand new content management system running underneath that’s very flexible.

The new site design also signifies that all new content is not far behind! The older design limited how I wanted to present reviews so now it will be much easier for me to get them done and laid out the way that I want. Also, I have a lot more time after spending the last couple of years attending business school. So, stay tuned!


It looks like the move went well. As expected, I had to tweak some things manually including going through each post and making sure the categories were assigned properly. The automatic forwarding it working as expected. Now that it’s up, I’m going to get some deserved rest and then add a couple of new features before working on the newest review to celebrate the new interface! Yay!








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