New review and my NW-E507 dies…

Since this site has been getting a ton of VAIO Pocket related hits, I decided to throw up a really quick review of some case options for the VAIO Pocket. It’s mostly a pictorial but at least people can see some of the options that are available. The PDAir cases are really nice and well made and surprisingly affordable.

Ok, the bad news. While out for an hour run today, my Sony NW-E507 Network Walkman mysteriously died about 4 miles out. It was playing a song and then it just stopped. Then there was static noise coming from the headphones. It was intermittent and there was no way to stop it. Upon returning home, I examined the unit and found that it wouldn’t respond to any of the buttons. I wondered if the humidity or even some perspiration got into the unit and that may be the case. At any rate, I need to send the unit back to Sony tomorrow and will see how they handle it. In the meantime, I’m without my regular workout device and will have to go with my larger substitutes. More on this as it develops.








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