My F828 arrives…

One item in my droolworthy list has arrived. I’ve decided to move from my 5 megapixel Sony F707 to a new 8 megapixel Sony F828 digital camera. Do I need 8 megapixels? That’s debatable as 5 megapixels has been good enough. I did want the higher zoom, CF support, better image sensor, and more manual controls.

I’ve been taking more and more photos recently and have started toying with the idea of using my photography to actually make some money so I figured I’d invest in a better camera so I can make bigger prints of my work. I know I could get a D-SLR (which I still want) but I’m not a traditional photographer and don’t necessarily have the same needs. I’m pretty ghetto when it comes do digital photography but I do get great shots and know what catches my eye and what looks good to me. As always, a review will be forthcoming once I’ve had time to get to know the camera better.

I guess I should also review my F707 even though it’s no longer sold just to get a baseline in terms of performance.








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