HDTV Tests revisited…

After much testing, I came to a few conclusions about my HDTV issue. I’m not entirely sure the problem was related to the nForce2 boards I was using. I was about to give up on the entire project when I decided to try one last thing. I took out the Sapphire Radeon 9600 256MB card I was using for all of this and replaced it with a Radeon 9700 128MB card from another system.

Guess what? It worked! The system started working flawlessly with great smooth HDTV signal and none of the choppiness that I experienced before.

So, after more swapping of components, I basically narrowed it down to the ATI card itself. That’s extremely bizzarre since ATI recommends the Radeon 9600-based cards with their own HDTV Wonder. So, I decided to leave that Radeon 9700 in the PVR system and get another Radeon 9800 for my other system. It turns out that a friend of mine wanted my Radoen 9600 so everything worked out well.








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