Comcast Sucks

I’ve recently been spending some time trying to setup my own PVR/DVR with one of my desktop systems. I purchased the very popular Hauppauge WinTV-PVR250 card which works very well. The software interface is clunky but works as advertised. I hate how the software from a lot of multimedia vendors have esoteric interfaces that break operating system conventions. I don’t understand the logic behind it as it only serves to confuse their customers.

At any rate, despite the great hardware, my hands are basically tied. I have almost no way to setup a PVR because of my cable provider, Comcast. Because they use STBs (set top boxes) there’s no way to change the channel from the software. I have researched about getting an IR Blaster to forcibly change the channels but it’s cumbersome. I couldn’t even use a TiVo if I wanted to either. As of right now, Comcast has no timetable on when they’re going allow my area to use a PVR. I know they’re going to only allow it once they have their own built-in PVR/DVR of which they’ll probably charge an extra monthly fee.

It does have me mulling the switch to satellite TV although that presents another issue in that the monthly cable modem price would go up because of the discount we get for having both cable modem and cable tv service from Comcast.

Extremely frustrating. :-(








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