Sony VGF-AP1 VAIO Pocket review posted!

See what a new site interface can do? My long awaited VAIO Pocket review is finally posted. While a JDM, it’s essentially equivalent to the recently released US model which now sports a larger 40GB drive.

On deck for review is the port replicator for the Sony VAIO Type S series and then finally my comprehensive Sony VAIO Type S review. I still have a few more benchmarks and tests to perform and that’s why it’s coming after the accessory. Also in the pipeline is a Sony HiMD MZ-NH1 but I still need to spend more time using it be fair.

Minor update again…

The site has been completely rewritten in DHTML and CSS so it should load faster and just be much easier to update in the future. There are some minor kinks but that has to do with different W3C implementations by all the browser makers.

Ok, now…seriously…new reviews coming.

Behind the scenes updates…

After launching the new site I realized that the pages were relatively heavy since I cheated and was using tables to make the site look nice. So, I’ve gone back to the coding chores to rewrite the site in pure XHTML and CSS…which is what I really should have done in the first place.

Of course, I’m running into the really nasty problem of browser incompatibility. I normally test for IE/Mozilla compatibility and I’m running into a Mozilla problem…or at least I’m almost certain it’s Mozilla that rendering a page incorrectly. Both IE6 and Opera load the page correctly so I’m going to have to blame Mozilla at this time.

So, until I figure out how to get around this problem the site updates will still be a little slow. The upside to the new design is that it will load way faster than before as it uses less graphic elements and way less code.

New Site Launch!

After months of work and delays, the new format is launched. There’s still a fair bit of tweaking to be done and some new features to be added but at least you can enjoy the better format and a nicer aesthetic read.

Things that still need to be completed:

- Retrofit old review graphics to handle new format
- Add Print Friendly Version
- Add E-mail link to Friend
- Possibly add some new CSS functionality (i.e. Changeable font sizes)

I’ll work on these things but they will take a back seat to all the new reviews I’m going to post. I delayed all reviews until the new site could be done so now you can seriously expect a constant flow of stuff. So, please enjoy and let me know if you have any problems with the site or if you have any comments. Thanks for your support and patience!

New site in progress…

It’s been slow but I’m nearly done with the new site design implementation. There’s still a few toothing issues but I expect it to be a lot better than the current design. Basically, it will be a little more consistent with some new features like easier to read print versions and direct e-mailing of stories. Also, the reading column is wider so I can add larger pictures and graphic elements.

Here’s a teaser of what it’s going to look like:


So, please bear with me…

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